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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

About Me:

Who am I? I’m not really sure because I’m still creating myself (I hate it when people say they’re finding themselves. Where are they hiding that they need to find themselves? Like, is their self under a rock?). But I know most of the basics.

To follow Mrs. Haas’s example a little, I am: a daughter, baby sister, the crazy cousin, best friend, cousin, an Irish lass, a liberal, bad photographer, nature lover, Christ follower, book lover, writer, therapist, mom (long story), and Harry Potter nerd.

The most important things that define me are my friends, my family, my beliefs, my anxiety and my depression because all of them affect each other. They are what make me, me. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without their influence.        

Because of my friends and family’s influence, I am a better person. I make better decisions in my life because of their help. My friends keep me sane while my family makes me insane (most of the time). Although my parents can go a little crazy sometimes, they do influence me. I love everything Irish because of the influence of my mom who grow up in the South side of Chicago (whose maiden name is Kathleen Mary Fallon. Can’t get much more Irish). I love humus because most of my friends are health nuts and vegetarians and force healthy food on me. My faith became A LOT stronger when my friends dragged me into their mission trip last summer, which I ended up totally loving.

My main goal in life is to help people. All the careers I considered were aimed at helping people; environmental lawyer (helps the world at large), psychologist, public defender, writer (influences to be better? It’s a stretch, I know), and last but not least, social worker. I intend to major in social working. I’ll most likely get my undergraduate at St. Ambrose (private university in Davenport, Iowa. Just visited yesterday!), and then transfer to UIC to get my major because their Jane Addams (who we just learned about!) school of Social Work is supposed to be one of the best.

I hate writing about myself, so I’m just gonna end now…

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you were able to write about yourself, even though you hate it. I'm glad to get to know a little bit about you now :) I hope this class is helpful in your quest to become a social worker....
