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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Social Groups

My territorial group would be Winfield. The house I live in is easily connected to 4 others because none of our yards have fences, and all our backyards face each other. It’s nice because I like all of our neighbors. The Walsh’s are some of the nicest neighbors, and I love talking to them because they came to America when they were 18 from Ireland and still have their awesome accents that I love. I also like that they still hang towels and sheets on a line outside because no one really does that anymore and it saves energy. I also love the Adams across the street because they are also amazingly kind, especially Mr. Adams. I had to interview him one time when I was on the school paper, and he is just an amazing man. He’s one of those people that I envy in life because he just seems so content and easy going. He’s also one of the most optimistic people I’ve ever met. In all, I love my neighborhood.

My primary group would be my best friends since fourth grade. I moved to Winfield in fourth grade, and was lucky even to fall into one of the best groups of people who conveniently live 2 blocks away. It’s always been us six girls (plus our one male friend, who, in all truth, really is one of the girls cause we treat him just the same) and we’ve been through so much. We went through our extremely dramatic/conflict phase pretty early on, so we’ve had very little problems in high school, which is a God send. I just think of them now, and I have been so blessed. There were so many times when I decided I was going to make a bad decision, and they sat me down and were like, “no, Beth, let’s talk about this and rethink it through.” My life would have been completely different if I hadn’t had them.

One of my many interest groups is badminton. I’ve been on JV for two years now, and I love it. More importantly, I love the team. There is not one girl on there that if badminton was like survivor, I’d kick off.  I like everyone too much. Which is sometimes a problem because although I love to play, I’m not really focused on the game, which is something I really need to work on this year.

My kinship group, is of course, my extended family, but mainly my cousins. I have a lot of cousins of my dad’s side because he has 3 siblings and each has their own family. I love my cousins a lot, but sometimes it’s hard for to connect with them because they’re almost all males. I only have 3 girl cousins in total, and they’re all older than me and starting their own families now, so it’s kind of hard to relate to their lives now. I feel like I’m the black sheep in my family because I have gone through things some of my cousins/other family members will never go through or understand, and I just want different things from life. Many of my family members are really into money, trips, and material goods, but to me, that’s not what life should be about. With that money, all of my cousins went to private high schools , while my brother and I went to good old Wego, so that’s hard to relate to too. It’s also hard because on both sides of my family, drinking and smoking are very common ( like, out of all my 10 cousins that of age to drink, only one of them doesn’t), and I don’t want anything to do with those activities, especially because they contributed to both my grandfathers’ early deaths. I also don’t see drinking and my Irish-German heritage going well together. So it’s kind of hard for me to really get into a conversation with my cousins when all I can do is stare at the beer in my 18 year old (who is only about 5 months older than me) cousin’s hand with his dad next to him saying it’s okay for him to drink because he’s old enough and hey, at least he’s drinking at home.

Wow, sorry, kind of went on a vent with these. Hope you enjoyed it?

1 comment:

  1. Vent away, Beth. It's OK. You've described each of these groups and how they connect to your life well. I'm glad that you tend to "rise above" and make better choices. Everyone goes through the "drama/conflict" stage, and I'm glad you have come out better for it on the other side.
